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DeGagne Mission: What/Why/How?


Our vision and mission is simple: to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through church planting.  We have partnered with several churches including Mercyhouse, Vita Nova Church, Meetinghouse Church, and more and will be directly trained by the North American Mission Board (NAMB) through Meetinghouse Church.

We hope to continue working with NAMB and other churches to plant Gospel centered churches in the South East MA area and beyond.

Follow these links for more information:


We believe that humanity's greatest need is to know the saving message of Jesus Christ: the Gospel.  We also believe that God has commanded church planting and that church planting is the Great Commission.  Let me explain.  The Bible teaches the Christian to go into all the world, make disciples, teach them about Christ, and baptize them (Matt. 28:19-20).  We believe this is not just going to a community that needs Christ and telling them about him, but actually setting up communities around that message (what we call churches).  We go first, out of obedience to the Great Commission, and second, because we believe God has gifted and called us to do so.

We also target New England because of her great need.  New England as a whole is less than 3% evangelical.  The North American Mission Board describes an unreached people group (i.e. Iraq, Sudan, etc) as being less than 3% evangelical.  New England is the least reach people group in the U.S.!  New Bedford and Providence rank as the lowest church attending cities in the country!  We go, because God loves the people of New England and those people need our beautiful Lord.



We intend on accomplishing our church planting goal through strategy and support.

After a year long training that began in September 2013, we developed a target community to church plant and strategize about how to effectively bring the Gospel to that community.  The community we landed on was in Warren, RI and we successfully launched a church service in January 2015.  We continue in the planting stage and hope to see our church reach many with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We also seek support prayerfully and financially from people like you.  Please click the "Support DeGagnes" tab on the home page for more support information.  Our goal is to be full-time missionaries.  You can help us make this possible.

Would you prayerfully consider how you might support us?